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It's Back

Published on Thursday 26. October 2023 , by

It's back and I am not sure what to do is it a UFO, star, or is more than that?

October,26 2023 and I was outside waiting for my bus to go to school and I looked at the same spot that I was looking at the past few weeks because the last time I saw a star in the sky but it was no ordinary star it was moving in very weird shape and if I held out my arm in one direction it went the oppisite direction. And it was there again this week I dont know what it is but im pretty sure it was spying on me and my family. That following day I told my freinds and they said "Thats funny because WE HAVE BEEN SEEING THE SAME THING." That next day I did so much research about it and I found out we wernt all alone there have been so many other sightings with the same details it was white then it turned green. So if you see any thing report it to some kind of ufo hunting websites UFO Hunters on History or somthing else because it might be doing the same to you.

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