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Robertson UFO sighting

Published on Wednesday 10. March 2021 , by

Robertson, Southern highlands, NSW, Australia

In about 1978 I sighted a UFO between Robertson and Macquarie Pass on the southern highlands of NSW Australia. I was in an open sports car in total darkness just after sunset heading north east on the main road. A bright light came over me from the right (south east) moving towards the left at what I estimate was 1000 feet above ground, lower than the surrounding hilltops. The light was steady, much brighter than a star or planet and there was no sound. I was a commercial pilot then and know it was not an aircraft or helicopter. I stopped the car and watched. The UFO moved steadily to my left (north west) and disappeared behind a hill. A day or two later I saw an article in a Sydney newspaper about a crop circle of flattened grass in the area. I did not report the sighting for fear of ridicule within my profession. I am now retired.

I would like to hear from anyone else who may have more information on this.

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