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Alien Encounters Of The Third Dimension

Published on Sunday 03. October 2021 , by

wiki leaks had claimed at night is when a stick figure came out of hiding and it scared them so bad that they actually thought it had came from outer space and they went on and on and on about the way their space ship had looked they said it had a triangle shaped front with wheels on the bottom of it with wings that is on a aircraft but they had actually thought it had came from outer space they said he was about 30 feet tall and had spikes sticking out the top of his head pointing backwards and the other one wiki leaks had claimed looked like he was the color black with long eyes that came down long on both sides of the face and they actually thought it had came from outer space they said they could see the lights and sounds of a aircraft while they would walk around outside they started talking about how they could not sleep at night because of their nightmares they had because of it and they also had mentioned that their dreams was about floating around in outer space going to the other planet known as xyz

they said the way they looked that they might of actually came from outer space and it scared them so bad that they refused to give out their photograph they had captured on a cell phone they had claimed as well and they said that the way their space ship would have opened up was like in a tv show known as paranormal witness when it came to the travis walton case a large door behind would open up and a staircase would have came down so they could walk out of it while having that look they had claimed the aliens had looked like after he went inside he saw a table to lay down on but the way it had looked like he thought he was in outer space he said that the walls was not a normal wall in fact it had looked like it could have changed colors back and forthe going from white back to red at times and the outside of the space ship could glow in the dark outside he also had said

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