
204898 sightings reported...
and growing

Clearlake, CA (Unites States)

Sighted on Saturday 14. March 2015
Reported on
Shape: Cigar round end's a color of wjitesh metal i never seen that kind of color or metal befor | Duration: about three to five minutes

Ok first i would like to say, it is reported this right after i actually regained my controls over my mind see when i seen it i did not know what to think i just could not process it in my actual mind to put in to words. But when i did finally realize i actually seen something that i cant explain, something that was extra special thats when a flood of adrenaline hit my body and my mind actually put forth the emotion that was needed i guess it accepted the reality of the situation the shock was gone and i wrote my sighting still with a lot of excitement, its sounded jumbled confused and crazy but i assure any one who wants to do facts by all means ;please cuz what i know and seen afterwords i cant find the actual news story they seem to have disappeared and i saved the link bookmarked it but i get error code 440 or some like that but its a year and some change later and i never stopped searching the skys since but iv been able to collect my thoughts better but my first report no matter how crazy hysterically it sounds is what i actually experienced im not the kinda guy who be leaves in ufo or even puts any effort in to some one saying they have im just a regular guy with a messed up track record ,maybe thats why i don t care cuz who will listed to me im a bad guy well was till that day changed my life but all that said iv been told by n numerous people to put it out there cuz just by the type of guy i was is proof enough for most so i am being honest all the way why not i dfidnt ask for this head f@#k ,myself i be leave i have important knowledge to relate ,but i must tell everyone iim the kinda guy that if ki say something that i saw and some m an says i didntr see what i saw and trys to say i didnt there going to the ground holding there jaw in place i know what i seen i dont like lairs in my group of brothers to lie is cretin death but to lie public is asking to be killed asap im a prison oriented man i have ties to very dangerous men that i must answer to for any action i am a native and if you go to prison l.iker i did you are under truth or consequence any lie is a form of guilt even the most non effecting extra embellishment is seen as deception so i would now l.ike to give the calmer more unshoked statement thats coherent the day was 3/14/2015 the place i was is 14581 lake shore drive clear lake ca time 4:30 pm till about 4:45 pm give or take 3 minutes the max .it was a verry loiw fast moving clowdy day with gray thick and white low and high cloudes we had just had a big storm front with high winds and lots of rain ,it was cool fast moving clouds almost l.ike a tornado like front we actualy had alot of fast moving fronts like that befor and after i at the time had just received a part for my mustang and was fighting with my girl about the cost of the part being outrageously high i was just removing the iol;d watewr pump and just walked out fromn the rv and was bending down to clean gasket off engine when i felt some one staring at me ,like you get when theirs a person looking out a window at you and a faint high pitcher but law tone voice like some one in a house behind a window saying my name my legal fur name not even my girl says my full name only cops and parolee officers and courts know my full name i looked to my trailers window no one was there i walked in the tailor my girlfriend was putting our son down for a nap and p[luss mad at ,me i asked her if she called me her exact words i can not say but she thought the clean virson sai why in the hell would i call you blah blah blah you ass hole . i said blank you to how you going to drive if it dont get fixed ,and ran out ther house laughing all happy with myself cuz i was finely right for once ,rear thing cuz like i explained im a fuck up well was i go back to the car pull tyhe pump outta the box and now i here in my head my rank kin my group of natoriuse friends the voice now plain and clear but not like a pa or a actual other voice but in my own speaking in side my head it said ppppssst , duane daniel garcia !! sargent look up up in the sky now ki though one of my friends was playing with me some how ,so i real pissed off cuz i hate it when im annoyed during anything im doing i said out loud as i glanced up in the dead exact direction of the voices direction in my head and there in the skky i seen a object on the actual sized im n lot a person with land to asir experience but i can say it was longer if not the same size as a 747 with no wings , aqt first i said to my self wow l.ook at that a blimp then as i watched it mover in almost every direction a plain cant i said wow the military has a new drone then i watched it go up with oiut moving any way except up then backwards then completely turn 180 degrees in the same exact spot like a slow cigar spinning once LIKE on a table top in ;place then revise with no noise that when it hit me that this is nothing iv ever heard and i know for a fact we have amazing techno stuff but this thing is doing stuff that gravity and the human mind can not do yet it was trying to recapture the set of thick clouds racing by for cover while maneuvering in to the set of dark gray cloud's objects description was like a 747 maybe longer with no wings no tail no engines no lights and about high as two men stacked on top of each other not high at all i thought maybe a trans;port big enough for a deployment team standing i dont know if they where windows door or such but it had dark like rectangles like rows of windows or tint looking covers like i said i could not tell but it was a cigar shaped no rivets no seems no markings i could not see its with just length and high , but as soon as i realized that it made no sound and when i actually realized it was not from us my body did a freak out i ran like a scared kid i got this feeling iv never felt before extreme uncontrollable fear to hid look iv been to San Quentin 8 times iv been in the 08 riots San Quentin two more after that i beat people up on a weekly basis before that as a collector for drug dealers i dont freaking get scared ever but that day i had no say my body would not listen to my mind i wanted to go out get the phone n get pictures but my body did not let me budge after i noticed i was hiding and it called me to look at it i tried to go out from under my RV fifth wheel tongue part of my trailer my body instantly got a natural inhabited age old fear and i dove back under the rv saying fuck that fuck that i CRAWLED my way under my rv up next to the door of my trailer i CRAWLED in and made a mad search for the phone i ran to my girl she said go away you just trying to get me up to make you food no matter what for the next minute what i did she was not moving i found the phone it was dead no battery i found the camera sd card outta room i was standing at my door calling out for any one of my neighbors who are all older people to come out quick look in the sky i was screaming it loud and desperate for help so anyone will come out side no one was coming out fast enough i tried to clear the memory n get a photo but that cheap ass Walmart cameras battery died AS I RAN OUT TO THE OPEN DRIVE WAY i said fuck . fuck it IT was now pointed directly at me like ONE of the ends actually pointed down at my direction i was frozen stiff my legs would not move like they stuck to the ground i got pissed at my legs and got them to move then i was behind my RV hiding i looked around the corner to see if it was coming or if kit was still there i did not see it i walked out looking in that direction when i saw it was not there i got relieved saying to my self wow that crazy no one will be leave me damn camera as i was walking back to the tailor to tell my girl she just missed it i seen something in my peripheral right up high and the thing was now watching me from behind no sound just the high winds up there passing over a object like a slow moving creeping more like it car whooshing no sound but like wind through pine trees when i noticed it creeping on me i ran jumped dove in to my RV making so much noise i got my girl out of bead i then ran outside having more bravery in front of my girl she behind me a few steps trying to clear the camera i told her its dead she said its not cuz shes charged it that afternoon to take pictures of the parts i needed for the part store when she got the part for me i was back out side she just stepping out the door im saying hurry the f23k up then before she could look up from the door kit just dispersal then reappear about two football fields away then disappeared again reappeared three football fields away the a fram by farm movement and then a tracer and it went in to a cloud disappearing for good b ut making the cloud suck inwards and like a trailing g mist it was dragged out of its shape in to a streaming taikl then the cloud just stopped and that was it now what's driving me mad is this i had as a young child of 7 years old woke up one day stepped out of bed and fell to the floor not able to feel my left leg i dstayed home my mother after work tried to get me to stand on it she thought i played hurt from school when she got the idea to ;poke my feet with a pin ki would stop the shade and give up the faking i closed my eyes she kept threatening to poke me crying i said just do it then i herd her walking away from me yelling foe my step fathers in a panicked vloce i opened my eyes saying i dont want him in here im not faking crying i watched my mom stand at my bedroom door holding her hands over her mouth starting to cry looking at my foot and back to my step dad who waS WALKING TO HER FAST BY THE STEPS I HERD THE KEYS THE WAY THEY RATTLED WHEN HES MOVING FAST I SEEN HIM LOOK AT MY FOOT WALKING IN I SAID NO NO I DONT WANT HIM TO POKE ME YOU MOM HE SAID HOLD STILL I TRIED TO MOVE MY FOOT BUT NO RESPONSE HE GRABBED MY FOOT LIFTED IT UP HIGH ANS STILL THATS WHEN I NOTICED THE 4 LITTLE RED DROPS OF BLOOD FROM EACH TOE AND HALF A NEEDLE STICKING FROM MY BIG TOE BUT DID NOT FEEL A THING I WAs rushed to the hospital er riverside community hospital 1978 or 1979 was xrayed nothing broken my hole body eyewash x rayed twice the pin test done again the doctor said nothing life threatening i might have hurt myself playing go home they made a appointment the next day to see my regular doctor dr Kissinger riverside community hospital riverside ca the next day still numb my doctor does a complete hand tissue search of my hole body nothing i am sent right away after his pin test in several s;pots he gets worried i have hurt my spine in some way i got every last test thats available in 1978or 79 cutting edge nothings wrong at all im still in same condition as before he starts on the leg deep tissue scan with hid hands he talking to me about his sons pro wrestling carrier then he says upp .whats this here and starts to pinch something in my calf he pinches it and bam my leg gets kits feeling back instantly and now i got sore freaking toes and one painful as hell big toe thanks mom the doctor takes me to x ray himself shows the teck exactly where to xray after two attempts he puts a dime next to it nothing then a tab that had a arrow on it then two then 4 pointing exactly at the object in my calf nothing he says no way impossible i know he walked me down asking if i hurt atr all just my toes we get to these other machines he runs tests nothing now hes kinda stumped the we get back to his office gets on these funny glasses gets a bright light and starts to inspect the area he says no scare when did i feel. any loss i said when i woke up the day before he said no reason it should give you no feeling where its at and if its a foring object you body will push it out after a few days i will hurt but it will be fine just save it bring it back if not then come back in a few year when we have the technology to find out what it is but for now your better ans walking its nothing to be alarmed about but please if it happens again we left and the other doctors nurses x ray tech all stopped us at the door and took turned touching it and each had that direct look ion my eyes like doctors do when they get spooked but cant place it yet,fast forward 2009 clearlake ca dr walker says to me that it is impossible to carry a foreign object 31 years in the body and impossible to go undetected lets get it labeled , i went in for two times through MRI x ray cat scan and im talking everything even a sonogram each time they had been done with landmarks that showed up and pointed to absolutely nothing so the techs would feel it do the test over not understanding the situation getting frustrated that the doc sending me back saying there missing it there mad cuz they didn't now i got doctors coming in pinching it then this name goes around the room dr yeah thats right that doctor in the journal last month got his number i can get it so i say i wanna go cuz i need a drink they said all done i put that number away four years later i see the number cuz my girl is asking what they said at my doctors office about my thing in my leg cuz this old number needs to go she had it in the door for years i forgot who it was i do a online number search it comes back dr office then i see these you tube videos about his work i start thinking of a appointment to see him i get my new doctor to give me a gauntlet of the same run through its now 2013 may i think ill look on my tests but i get them back i get sent back three times nothing freaked that doctor out ,called in a doctor whos job is deep skin ans tissue reconstruction the guy who puts you back togather and pulls out sharp or forGIAN objects a head SURGEON OF RED BUD NOW SAINT HELENA CLEAR LAKE HES SAYS SOME KINDA SOFT BONE FRAG HE SAW MY MRI CAT SCAN N XRAY NO [PLACES IN MY LEG WAS MISSING ANY CHIP OR SLICE OFF IT HE NEVER CAME BACK THEN I START TO GO ON WITH BELIEF I FIND OUT LAIRS DEAD SIX MONTHS AFTER I CALLED HOME, TO INSPECT MY THING IN MY CALF BUT HE HAS A SET OF GUIDELINES HE WAS INTERVIEWING AT THE TIME I HAD NO SCAR AND IT COULD NOT BE SEEN IN X RAY BUT IT WAS THERE I HAD DOCTOR P[ROOF ITS NOT POSSIBLE TO BE HOW ITS PROVING TO BE BUT HE SAID HE WILL PASS THEN I SEE THE FREAKING UFO AND THIS IS THE CRAZY PART AFTER THE UFO I CANT TURN OFF MY WAN T TO LEARN TO READ TO S;PEAK NEW IDEAS BUT ITS LIKE I HAVE A UNDERSTANDING YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THINGS ARE SIMPLE I UNDERSTAND I WAS BAD I WAS NO GOOD THAT I WAS A HARD CORE CRIMINAL AND I WAS EMBARRASSED FOR MYSELF ASHAMED I WAS THATS STUPID AND I JUST STARTED TO LEARN EVERY DAY I PROMISE I GET BETTER AT WRITING BUT ONE AT A TIME STILL DEALING WITH THE HOLE NOW WHAT DO I DO ABOUT MY PAST SCREWED UP LIFE CANT JUST WALK AWAY ILL DIE BUT SAME TIME I DONT DROP OUT OF ANYTHING LIKE IO SAID YES I WAS VERY BAD VIOLENT N I KNOW IM RETARDED FOR MY WRONGNESS IM NOT JUST TALKING I LEARNED SOME THINGS I HAD A 6TH GRADE DROP OUT EDUCATION WITH A FORCED SAN QUENTIN GED AND SOME FAKE ASS COMMUNITY COLLAGE ART CLASS AND FAILED JUSTICE CLASSES NOW IM WINING SMALL CLAIMS CASES AGAINST LEAD EVICTION LAW FIRMS SMASHING M ALL DOWN WHY IS EVERYONE IN LAW SO UN AWARE OF THE LAW THEY KIE CON AND TRY TO WEASEL THERE LIES AS TRUTH IM ON MY SECOND CASE THAT IM IN APPELIT DO TO I DID NOT FEEL SATISFIED WITH THE AWARDED AMOUNT I WON THEY FORGOT THE RV IN THE HOLE DEAL LOL PROOF LOOK IT UP EVERY THING I SAID CAN BE FACT CHECKED AND IS TRUE THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION TO VERIFY AND DO WHAT YOU WISH WITH THIS AND MY STATEMENT IF IT BETTERS THE HUMAN RACE THANK YOU I TRIED TO CORRECT BUT NOW MY COMPUTER IS FUCKING UUPP POSTING FSASDY

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