
204906 sightings reported...
and growing

Enid, Oklahoma (United States)

Sighted on Tuesday 12. September 2006
Reported on
Shape: Triangle | Duration: Undisclosed

I was sitting on my deck looking north with my Nikon binoculars (which are sharp enough to make out the Galilean moons of Jupiter). I was trying to determine whether I could see Polaris (from a new house) or if it was obscured by distant trees, with the intent of calibrating my 10-inch Celestron some future night, starting with Polaris. While I was scanning that northern sky with the binoculars, a craft came into view. It was a triangle, blacker than the background night sky. There were white lights at each of the three corners and none elsewhere nor any of any other color. The lights were not "pinpoint" lights but rather appeared to be large flat cirles of light that appeared to be flush with the underside of the craft's body. The lights were large and flat and disk-like, at each corner of the triangle and clearly within the outline of the triagle as opposed to being *at* the corners or external to the shape of the craft. The light was a very pure white and even from edge to edge, rather like the sort of light perfectly diffused by a high-quality frosted glass.Above that triangular craft, about 2,000-2,500 ft. higher, there were two craft that were almost certainly smallish (likely one-man military) jets flying a parallel course (with the usual rotating beacons of red and blue). I'd estimate their altitude as 10-12,000 feet. They were flying some significant distance apart (half a mile apprx.) but essentially lined up wingtip to wingtip. Comparing the triangular craft to those jets indicated the craft was simply enormous--easily 2 to 3 times the length of an aircraft carrier. There was no sound. The triangle and the two jets were flying from due west to due east, fist sighted to my northwest and leaving my field of view to my northeast.I am reporting it at this late date only because it's just tonight that I remembered there was an e-mail in my archive where I'd given a precise date to a friend about the sighting. I've thought off and on that I should have reported it but couldn't recall the date. It occurred to me only this evening that I'd mentioned it to a frequent correspondent, an engineer in Florida. A quick keyword search in my Outlook archive pulled up the date, so I am reporting it now to MUFON and to NUFORC.I spent 25 years in science and engineering as administrator overseeing many millions of research dollars on a wide variety of projects. One proposal to DARPA (unfunded) just a couple of years before the sighting was for the construction of a similarly-large but entirely different sort of craft as something of an aerial aircraft carrier/troop transport. As far as I know, no such craft has been funded nor built, though I reckon it's remotely possible and perhaps has not publicly disclosed. I do know funding *was* awarded to a major corporation to explore potentional for just such a craft (for the very price I'd worked out in my own proposal). The announcement came just as my own research group was finalizing our own proposal and precluded our submission. But I simply do not believe the craft was "ours" as there simply had not yet been enough time from that allocation of funding for mere initial research for such a craft to be designed, much less even a prototype to be constructed. And I've no doubt the two jets were military and were shadowing the triangle.I'd read reports over the years of such triangular craft so while I was excited to see such a thing, I was not really shocked nor surprised, but essentially just quietly awed and riveted, at attention. I kept my binoculars trained on it until my view of it became obscured by the trees I had reckoned might (and do) obscure Polaris from my backyard view. I'd seen the shaky photo of the "Belgian triangle" a few years earlier and was well-aware of the central red light in that image and noted that there was no central light of *any* color on the triangle I saw. And unlike the images I've seen on video (tonight, as a matter of fact) which show only relatively small lights which may or may not be connected by a structure, the structure of the craft I saw was clearly evident, jet-black against a significantly lighter night sky of bluish purple, and the edges were crisp. It was, simply, a large triangle, with the white lights underneath, and those discs of white light were huge in and of themselves, compared to the jets overhead with their typical small pinpoint strobes. I have several telescopes and several binoculars and have spent a *lot* of time under the night sky over my 58 years. I've seen a few other unidentifiable things over the years, but nothing like this--an object that was *clearly* a "craft" of some type, obviously under intelligent control, in flight, with that flight perfectly matched in speed to the two jets overhead, with neither the jets nor the triangle lagging or overtaking, each maintaining a steady easterly course and steady altitude.) I'm well-acquainted with all sorts of airplanes as my father was a pilot and all-around airplane nut and I spent my childhood bucking rivets helping him build planes and every holiday was spent at some airshow or other and included flights in everything from a Ford Tri-Motor to all sorts of newer civilian and military aircraft. Also, there's a major training airbase here and I lived for 30 years near another that serves as a primary maintenance base elsewhere so I'm quite used to seeing aircraft of all sorts from single-manned fighters to the old B-52s to C5As flying so low their vortices twisted my treetops. During daylight hours, those planes average one per minute over my home. I'm quite able to identify most, and probably more able than your average person to ascertain a type of plane and altitude and can identify most by sound alone. (I can also tell you exactly what the Busweiser blimp looks like when it crashes to the highway directly ahead on an otherwise pretty Friday afternoon.)As to what I thought the Sept. 2006 object was when I first noticed it, I simply thought, "I'm seeing a large triangle craft just like I've read about". For the reasons I've already stated above, I am all but certain it could not have been anything of terrestrial military origin. In that minute while I watched it I believed it *was* an extraterrestrial craft and that it was being kept under surveillance by a pair of miltary jets. When I think of the vast distnces of space, I'm always inclined to lean toward aerial things as having some Earthly origin since our nearest neighbors are 59 trillion miles away and have no known habitalble planets. But that said, having thought about this for several years and knowing what I do about Earthly craft (as much as one reasonably can without being currently in the industry), I just can't believe that such an enormous craft could remain a secret the way, for example, the SR-71 did for so long, and I will say that in that moment when I viewed it, without all this subsequent thinking about the unlikely odds of "someone" travelling those vast cosmic distances, I *knew* in my gut such a craft was beyond the capabilities of any country on Earth. I knew then that we might build such a thing someday, but I didn't believe we had then, nor do I yet think anyone's beyond the preliminary research stage on any such large craft that might prove feasible or useful for military purposes. But not knowing with 100 percent certainty either way, I can only believe it's one of two seeming impossibilities--an Earthly craft far beyond the scale of anything ever known (even if not beyond the conception of myself and my former research team), or an otherworldly craft that has travelled the the unimagineable distance no craft conceived by man can yet travel.At the time of the sighting, I really knew very little about MUFON. In the years since, I've seen a number of accounts of MUFON investigators working with witnesses that seem credible to me. I've begun to believe the organization is basicly objective in its evaluation of evidence and appropriately skeptical, and also appropriately open-minded to credible and verifiable evidence. The data of many cases that can not be dismissed satisfactorally by more or less mundane phenomena is of interest to me and I'm adding my own data point here because I believe the inquiry is important, whether the explanation for such events is Earthly or extraterrestrial. I'd have reported it years earlier had I remembered before tonight that I had actually mentioned the sighting to an engineer in Florida and had an e-mail record that pinpointed the actual date, without which I felt such a report could not truly be evaluated, since only with that date can my sighting be correlated with other evidence/testimony that might explain it one way or the other. (NOTE: I checked "wings" on "structural features" above because, simply, such a triangle is essentially a "delta wing", rather more like the Concorde than the more boomerange form of the old "flying wing" I saw fly once when I was a kid. But technically, it is "wing", singular, rather than "wings" plural but that option is not available in the form above.)

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