Two hovering crafts appeared in Avon, NC and emitted a distinct pattern of 4 circular orangish lights each.After coming home from dinner on Sept 25, we sat out on the deck on our oceanfront house in Avon, NC. Around 9:30 pm, two objects appeared in the sky very close to our house hovering just over the ocean. I could not make out the exact shape of the objects, but both emitted a pattern of 4 large, circular, organish lights. Each light lit up individually in a row on both crafts, and then all together. Then the crafts disappeared, as well as the sound. A few minutes later, the crafts reappeared about a half a mile south down the beach. The crafts emitted the exact same pattern of lights, and then disappeard. They reappeared one more time much futher south with the same light pattern. This was the last time that we saw them. Soon after, we saw 3 military jets come together (from different areas) in a triangle formation and flew off together towards the north. We are all level headed and agree that it was certainly an abnormal sighting. Unfortunately, w! e did not get any pictures or videos. The crafts defied the laws of physics - there was no trajectory, no gravity seemed to be acting on it, and the sound disappeared when the crafts did.