
204925 sightings reported...
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West Wyalong (Australia)

Sighted on Sunday 28. October 2012
Reported on
Shape: Cigar | Duration: 4-5 minutes

Chemtrail plane's disguise ufo escortNoticing an aeroplane leaving another chemtrail over my small town area, 30 seconds later another one came into view on the same linear path but slightly east of the first one. Both coming from the north east heading south, south west. I thought this was a bit strange that close together, when another one on the same path and again slightly east of the last one, Then about 5 seconds behind that was one more.. I was starting to get concerned about what these plane's were leaving in there wake in such a uniformed manner when my eye's adjusted to see one more object east again of the last plane following within metres of the last plane without leaving any trail at all... It was similar in size but didn't seem to have the span where the wings should be. No chemtrail, no wings,,.... Me thinks it was an escort and possibly atmosphere manipulation to help this escort...

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