
204932 sightings reported...
and growing

Glace Bay (Canada), NS

Sighted on Wednesday 25. December 2002
Reported on
Shape: Sphere | Duration: 3 hrs

Looked like a bright star just to the left of the little dipper. But when zoomed in with a video camera,looked liked a planet,But the detail was very clear. It was grey with two large circles in it much like the shape of the top of a carnation milk can. There was a lot of dark activity happening in the top left,also little dark objects moving in and out of the sphere.Could actually see the surface,it was that close,very detailed. i will be checking this site to see if there is any similar sightings.((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain anonymous, provides little information. We presume the alleged sighting occurred somewhere in Canada, although witness does not indicate that fact. PD))

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