Very bright and colorful object and very close to them.The Coquihalla Connector is one of the major highways leading from Vancouver into the Interior and Okanagan areas. The witness to this sighting lives in McKinley Landing just outside of Kelowna, British Columbia. A husband and wife were driving the Coquihalla Connector when they witnessed something very bright and colorful and very close to them. They stopped the car and got out to observe the object. The witnesses said they were very excited and jumped around while they viewed the object. It sat hovering just below the top of the mountain and over the tree tops. The witness said it was not all that large in size, but it did move around very slowly until it shot off up the valley and disappeared. Thank you to the witness for the report. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Canadian Toll Free UFO Hotline 1 866 262 1989 - Free call.Editor: Canadian Communicator - Paranormal Magazine email: [email protected] Website: