Tear shaped brillient gold light over neighborhood in Nebraska City, NEA thick fog filled the air the night of my experience. I was always very observent of strange weather so I watched the fog "roll" in. In the fog I noticed a bright light peering thru the fog. I just thought it was a helicopter flying low because of a car acciedent or something. I continued to watch it and began to grow brighter and brighter like it was getting very close to my house. When it was in the air over my neighborhood it was so bright I couldn't see the helicopter I thought it was. All I thought was the spot light on it was pointing my way. I left the window and turned on the scanner to listen what was going on and nothing indicated any thing was going on, in fact the chat on the scanner was very odd. The police and station personel were laughing and joking around with no normal police codes being said with very personal like conversations going on. When I went back to the window was when a stunning, in shock like feeling came over me wi! th what I saw then. A brillient gold like light was hovering approx. 20' above the trees and I yelled fo my girlfreind to come look and when she got to the window, before I said anything about what I was seeing I asked her what she was seeing. When she explained the "light" as I was seeing it I grew terrified. Then I saw another light not as bright but still brilliant gold like and the same size. With this one I could make out the shape of the lit up object. It was a crooked tear drop shape, moving slow and not realy in one direction or at least not in a straight line. Finally I heard somthing that made sence on the scanner "do you guys see the light up toward the hill"? I waited for a responce but nothing. Infact, nothing the rest of the night. But back to the "lights", and third one apeered and this time the three I could see were shining a "super" spot light or beam in a patrolling like matter toward the houses, ground, and trees. No sound realy came from them b! ut, I could almost feel them flying kind of like a train in th! e far di stance that you can't hear but on a calm quiet night you can feel a train coming. I ran from windo to window looking for more of the "lights" but couldn't see any out the other side of the house. What I did see is light in the air like a stop light colors, three total. I huddled in the corner for some of this night terrified the spot beam would point see me. The presun rise was starting to light up the sky and the fog and the lights all disapeared and the scanner went back to normal. There are other details about other strange things I saw that night like I could see in the distant the line of tail lights toward the highway all seemed to be parked or stopped. I don't know what I experienced that night but this site I found tonight seems perfect to get this of my chest and see if I feel better about it. If I try to tell someone like a friend about this they look at me like I am on drugs.((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date is approximate. PD))