
204925 sightings reported...
and growing

Birdsville (Australia)

Sighted on Tuesday 05. May 2009
Reported on
Shape: Light | Duration: 10min

3 bright dimond shape lights hovering in the skyThere were 6 people waiting for a bus into main street Birdsville We were all chatting about the day when one man said what do you think that is The 3 bright stat like things hovered in the sky One seemed to go behind the other then back out to hover on its owen. Then it just seemed to fade into the sky higher and higher the 2 bright light did the same and the the 3rd. We all said to each other thats not Min Min lights far to high in the sky hellicopters (no noise) to close together So to this day I do not know what we saw I have tryed to find out but have been unable((NUFORC Note: Flaw in date above. Date is unknown to us, and we are unable to contact the source of the report. PD))((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))

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