Hello! I happened to find this site, and decided to report my observation which took place quite a few months ago while in New Mexico. I just want to start by adding mt comment that I didn't want to bother to edit this observation report on MS format cause it's too time-consuming and rather cumbersome, though your guideline tell me to do so. I apologize for that first^^ Here I'm in S.Korea, my native country. While searching for UFO reports which i've also have some interest in on CNN website and I encountered this reporting site of UFOs. And it made me to determine reporting what had taken place very long time ago and I forgot to bother to clarify the incidence by way of telling other people, researching documents-i has begun to do this only recently a little bit but not much- or contacting experts on this subject or issue. I had many other things to take care of, or be concerned about, and Iwasn't even sure what the magnitude of my observation would be to other people, or society that's currently still skeptical about accepting this issue of UFO thing! To be honest I'm unable to recall the exact date of this incidence, so your discretion for this part. Actually not even certain whether it was April or some earlier months since Sandia Mountain on its peak had quite some snow accumulation around. I was on my way back to Motel 6 Exit paseo del norte two exits donw from Tramway RD toward City of Alburquerque. It was almost to midnight. I was coming from Santa Ana Star Casino at City of Bernalillo, after I spent the day at Santa Fe up I-25 North. Now below I'd say only specifics of the UFO sighting provided with as much description as I can recall now- I'm sure I can do better on this part than the date of the incidence thatI can't remember.While driving I-25 southbound to that lodge just passed Bernalillo city limit, through the front windshield I saw what appeared to be presumably a bright yellow light (front) of an airplane like a bright headlights of upcoming cars. It was approaching closer to my direction headed up north. First, I'd rather want to emphasize the speed of this flying object (or an airplane at the time of observation) wasn't that fast at all, rather similar to that of normal commercial aircrafts.This object was getting closer 'n closer to where I was and at a certain point it was flying, passing right above of my car and if I didn't look up to see it, I'd certainly have thought it as a usual airplane. Before I describe how I could bend and lean my head to the right of steering wheel move my neck 'n head to look up, at that time freeway traffic was few and I just felt like to look at it, even if it were to be just an airplane.This remarkable 'n breathtaking sighting (and a short obersation) happened, therefore, starting its closer approach toward above my car just till its blocked by the roof of my car! What extraordinary about the sighting here it is.. The rear or behind of the object A BLUISH GREEN BRIGHT LIGHT AROUND LIKE CONICAL SHAPE AND ORANGE-CLORED SPARKLING LIKE WIELDER'S SPARKS, OR SOME KIDN ELECTRIC CIRCUIT FAILURE? Judging upon its speed I doubt it was a satellite crashing down to earth, or meteorites. And I'm quite certain it wasn't an airplane. This odd 'n mysterious sighting happened within a period of less than a few seconds-but perhaps longer than 5 seconds! (I was crazy! Dangerous!) I had an impression that this flying object was a crashing one due to perhaps certain causes.At the time I could've pulled over to side road to keep my eyes on this object but somehow I chose not to. Why not? First of all, I got scared something bad might happen to me, if not from this odd object maybe from cops or gangs! Second of all, some whisper told me i saw enough and don't try to ask the identity of this things any further. How? I can't explain but it's not a physical whisper I'm taking about, but some powerful feeling or instinct that "Let's just keep it that way". So I told myself 'I saw enough' and headed back to my M6 LODGE. That's all! Let me know your expertise about this observaation. Waht was it?? You can contact me to my E-mail^^((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date is approximate. PD))