There were five of us involved with the sighting. We are one retired PhD scientist, two retired media persons, and two currently working media and not for profit people We were staying at a summer house on a private lake near Lake Ariel PA. Last night at 11 PM pr maybe closer to 11:10 PM (we had just recently check that time as 11 PM and were about to go inside) two of us saw a large red to red orange ellipse moving across the sky, slowly with no sound. It was moving across the sky at about 60 degree angle in the large expanse afforded by the small lake in front of the summer house. It looked like a the tail light of a car and was about 30 times larger than stars or the strobe and other light on airplanes seen in same area/time. Two of us roused the other three from the house. By the time they came this orb was fading after moving in a south to east direction farther and farther away. BUT then, we suddenly saw a formation of five exactly the same-like orbs coming from the same direction and moving in the same trajectory as the first one, each following the other in very close end-to-end formation. All five of us watched these five lights move slowly across the sky, which is a large expanse over the small lake in front of this summer house. One of us ran inside to find the telescope that this house has. Eventually by 11:15-11:25 PM or so these five had also moved south to east, fading out as they moved that direction. As they had move to the east they had seemed to climb slightly in an oblique angle. Then after about 5 more minutes another, single, orb came over, following exactly the same trajectory as the other six. It appeared to be being followed (below and behind) by a conventional plane that has the standard red, green and white strope lights blinking but much much smaller (like only 1/20th) the size of the red-orange ellipse (unless the flight path of this much smaller object, a conventional plane, just happened to coincide). We all thought all this was extremely strange. We fiddled with the telescope but could not get a fix before this last orb followed all its predecessors off to the east. None of us had a camera. As soon as we got up today we started googling and saw a number of other similar reports across the states nearby so we felt motivated to make this report. We also want to note that the other odd thing last night, though it may have no connection, was that someone in the country neighborhood was shooting off firecrackers in large amount nearby bang bang bang etc. not a usual thing in these quiet woods, although they were not shooting off any fireworks in the sky. We could just hear all the bangs OR maybe it was someone shooting at the orbs.. this is hunter country. So two anomalous things last night. It was pretty memorable. Regarding making a drawing, it would look like one ellipse moving across the sky, then about five minutes later, five ellipses following each others in a line, aligned very close, all same speed and trajectory. Then another five minutes or so and another single one following the same trajectory. The trajectory was across the horizen at about 60 degrees gradually rising slightly higher as they moved from south to east (thus southeast) and fading at a slightly higher altitude as they faded into the east.