Time: approximately 9:45 pmDate: Sept 1st, 2012Location: Norman, OKVisibility: Unlimited, perfectly clear night, no visual obstructionsWhile standing outside on my back porch looking up at the stars, a blink of a light in my field of vision caught my attention. I couldn't immediately see the source of the light because the frequency of the blinking was not regular. Two to three seconds passed and then it blinked again. The object had moved about 6-8 inches (measured from my extended arm). The intensity and size of the light was about equal to the average star. A few seconds later it blinked again, moving about the same distance, and in a straight line moving toward the North East. This time the intensity of the light was greater, about equal to the light of Venus, which also gave me the impression that it was larger, or moving downwards. A few more seconds passed and the light blinked again, much fainter (fainter than the first blink), and the object had moved in a Northern direction (up from its previous trajectory), and the distance was about 2-3 inches (measured from my extended arm). I followed that trajectory, anticipating the next blink. As I scanned the area, about 5 seconds later I saw a faint streak of light moving from the last location of the object (approximately) and moving in an Easterly direction (slightly south east). The streak of light was about 12-15 in length, and lasted for less than a second. I scanned the sky for several more minutes but saw nothing else.The length of the entire incident was approximately 30 seconds. And the object was located approximately 65 - 75 degrees above the horizon, as I was looking toward the North. There was no sound. There were no obstructions in my field of vision. And it was a perfectly clear evening, and visibility was excellent. I had the impression that the object was very far away.When I saw the first blink, I thought it was just a plane, except that the light illuminated longer than the blinking lights on a plane. When I realized that it did not blink in a recurring pattern, I wasn't sure what it was.I do not recall feeling any particular emotions during the brief sighting. But I wrote down this account almost immediately afterwards.I am interested in knowing if this was witnessed by anyone else in the area.