in november fifth i saw lights hovering in a straight line from southwest to north east at more or less the same time of the day.and at november 7th i saw the pattern of lights coming from northeast to south. description- the lights were blinking one after the other in sequence, first the red light ,then the white/blue light, then the other maybe two white/blue lights. it seemed the lights were around a disc, but i am not sure. they blinked in that pattern and repeated that pattern again.i could see at the second time that below the lights there was a tiny stationary point of white light.movement- -the first one was hovering in straight line vary fast and it seemedvary high because when approaching the horizon it stayed longer until disappear behind the clouds.-the second one was coming in my direction. it was slower and it seemed in a lower altitude. that night i could see it better and the night was more clear.i think it could be a disc shape.both were going in straight line and not changing speed.