My name's Donald J Browne. I've taken photos of UFOs near Ely Cathedral, Cambridge, England. I was there for the Xmas Eve Carol Service. The photos were part of a steetlamp experiment that was inspired by Miceal Ledwith and Klaus Heinneman's book The Orb Project.I was fascinated by Miceal's theory on Orbs as fluorescing beings and had similar observations myself. I wanted to take the experiment into a different direction - that of shooting straight into fluorescing streetlamps. I have been astounded by some of the results.But the biggest discovery was before I shot the photos. I was aiming the camera at the streetlamp when I saw the UFO materialise. I didn't even have my finger on the button to activate the infra-red or flash. Like looking at the UFO in a live movie, I noticed something interesting. If I tilted the camera left or right, up or down very slightly, perhaps no more than 5 to 10 degrees, the Orbs came into view or vanished, or demonstrated a partial materialisation as can be seen in the selection of photos. The UFOs were perfectly still! If I moved the camera slightly left or right, I got the phenomena I've documented above. When I moved the camera back to its original angle, they were there again in clear view. I know it sounds unbelievable, but the photos I shot are the proof.