Last 2 years ago i was leaving the Area Call mangopir in Karachi, That area has mountains and like a forest type area. At the time was midnight 2:00 AM and my roof energy saver was problem i don't know what exactly happen with it, So i went on roof and want to change the light because it was too dark area , our project in boundary wall and all homes bond each other it was darkness so i started to change the saver so i called my brother to help me out and bring a light that i can easily change saver.So when i doing this suddenly my brother said hey see up on the sky what's it.When i saw up a strange sound happened like explosion and there was a ziczac biggest line i have see on the sky.It was strange first time i found the internet people why talking about UFO , But i have think maybe that is USA invention and that was a saucer focus to us.The sky was clean before and nothing on it the same thing saw our security guard and he also enclosed this situation next day to ppls.Well when i was talking our family members my elder bro and his wife evidence they many times seen a bright light object and it's come to near our colony and flashing the light just as like its taking pictures and fast move to on sky like ping pong ball and disappear.My Last comment i don't know exactly is it UFO or human race technology , But that's true this incident click my mind something is here around us.