I was travelling to Calgary Alberta for a holiday driving down the highway. The object flew down at a 45 degree angle parallel to me it had blue flames at the rear and smoke or vapor as well. I thought it could have been a meteor until it lit the whole right side of the highway for as far a you could see and tilted the beam upwards about 10 degrees which eliminated the mountain base. The object made no noise, stayed on track travelling at aprox 40mph. I was shocked more stunned and didn't know how to react, it was something that was fascinating and scary at the same time. The object turned off the beam of light shortly after it made a correction with the adjustment of the beam. It was as if night time had been made into day light but only on the side of the objects path. The beam of light lit approx. 1/4 mile by 2 miles.. I got out of my truck and listened and heard nothing, it was very cold that night but the stars were out. I stayed there for maybe twenty minutes and finally as I was going to leave another car came from the east. Later I found out he had seem the object but from the other direction. I called the gentleman and we both discussed what we saw and confirmed it with each other. I have not seen anything like this ever, but there was a lot of UFO activity in the Kootenays that year..G Keen