I was sitting on my couch and I have some large picture windows up high. I was observing the clouds as I do sometimes. I will frequently see all the normal things like birds, planes, helicopters, insects, etc. When this object came into view I immediately knew it was NOT normal. It moved faster than a jet but slower than a meteor. It was a tan or dull copper color and was shaped like a tear drop. It passed through some clouds and above some others before moving out of sight. I would have taken a picture but there was no way to get it within a 10 second time frame so I just kept my eyes on it. It was moving in a straight path to the north and was northwest of my position. I don't know if it made a sound because I was inside watching TV on the couch. This happened at about 5:00 pm, Sunday, August 29, 2016. It did not glow and was not "lit up". I've always wanted to see a UFO but this is not how I expected to see one. It was so very strange. It must have been pretty large based upon where it was flying in the tops of the clouds. I've seen large airliners in the same locations so this thing was easily as long as one but was like a narrow teardrop. It had no deviation in direction or change in speed. The "sharp" point of the teardrop tailed behind and the more rounded part was in front.