
204932 sightings reported...
and growing

California (United States)

Sighted on Saturday 23. February 2019
Reported on
Shape: N, A | Duration: 00:00:15

I was sitting in a chair in my garage with a friend talking. it was approximately 10:45pm on saturday. the sky was clear with no clouds. while my friend was talking i noticed the light. it’s normal to see a lot of commercial planes in the area and john wayne airport landing path is visible from my house. i live on a hill in mission viejo, ca. what first struck me is the light was bright and there were no flashing lights. second was the high rate of speed. i didn’t really think of what it could or couldn’t be at that point, just that it was odd. below is the description of what happened. bright solid light appeared to be traveling east to west, guess on altitude approx 2000 ft. light appeared to be traveling along the john wayne airport landing pattern coming from the hills in the east heading west. there were no flashing lights. the light was traveling very fast, approx 2 to 3 times faster than other aircraft on that landing pattern. while moving the light simply disappeared, it did not slow down or stop, just disappeared. approx 3 seconds later the light reappeared in the exact same spot it disappeared. and continued moving at the same rate of speed. we walked down the driveway to maintain a visual of it. watched the light for a few more seconds and it then stopped immediately. it did not appear to slow down to a stop, rather it literally just stopped. it then just gently dimmed away and i did not see it again. as mentioned above, the brightness of the light, speed and no flashing lights is what originally kept me watching this light. but what really got my attention was when the light disappeared then reappeared at the same spot. at that point i jumped up and pointed the light out to my friend who saw it as well. i told him very sternly “watch that light”. that’s when we walked down the driveway and i saw the rest of what happened. my friend did not see the light come to a stop at the end as he walked about 5 feet farther than i did and therefore he was unable to see the light as his view was blocked by a tree.

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