
204956 sightings reported...
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Unity, NH

Sighted on Wednesday 25. February 2009
Reported on
Shape: Rectangle | Duration: 1.5 hours

FEB, 25,2009- 7PM, HUGE MOTHER SHIP OVER UNITY, NH-BLUE AND RED LIGHTS, RECTANGLE, QUIET HUMMING NOISE, VERY SLOW MOVINGthe object was the size of a football field. approximately 13,000 feet in the air. it made a more of a humming noise. it was going very slow in a triangle pattern. it kept up the triangle pattern for one and a half hours. it went directly over my house 4 times. it was magnificent. the craft was perfect front and back and looked like it had legs in front and back. the front and back were identical. not aerodynamic at all. the lights were the most beautiful blue you can imagine. it had red lights also. the blue lights were evenly distributed in front and back. the red lights were beside the blue lights. it went over head so close that it actually looked like, if you were to flip it over, a landing strip. it looked like a bug with legs. why it kept the same route is beyond me. it was seen from Sunapee,nh also, when my boy called his dad to run out of the house to see this. we have 2 military people in our family that have never seen anything like this. when the craft went over head it made you sick to your stomach. my mom who lives 5 miles away said it went over head 4 times also and shook her house, she thought it was an earthquake. the eerie thing is, is that all the pictures of ufo that we have looked at, not one looked like this. this almost looked like a mother ship getting ready to pick up little crafts. it looked like it was scoping out the land of about a 20 mile radius. it took about 20 minutes to come back directly over my head each time. we last saw it about 843pm. the lights on this craft did not stay on all the time, we got to see the lights shut off and come back on.((NUFORC Note: We cannot be sure that this report is intended as a serious-minded report. It seems odd to us that we did not receive other reports of the alleged event. It also seems noteworthy to us that the witness to the alleged event did not take a photograph of the object. PD))

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