
204932 sightings reported...
and growing

Fairbanks, AK

Sighted on Tuesday 31. March 2009
Reported on
Shape: Light | Duration: 10 min or so

UFO's in Fairbanks, AlaskaWe were out on our deck looking at the sky around 23:00 hours. We noticed off in the distance North of Ester Dome, West of Fairbanks, in between Ester Dome (which has all of fairbanks communication towers) and Murphy Dome (which is a unmanned radar tracking station for the Air Force.)Some flickering semi red tinted lights that were moving slowly to the sky. They seemed to follow one another then one just faded away. We now only have 3 flickering UFO's. They got into a formation that resembled orions belt. They just hovered for about 6 min. The one on top seemed to then move East the other 2 went North and faded out. The one that moved east then faded out. I don't know what they were but I never have seen any activity in that area from the Airforce or anyone else for that matter. We heard no helicopter sounds, no sounds at all from that direction. But we could hear jets taking off at our airport all the way across town. We have lived here all of our lives and never have seen anything like this. I would like to contact the FAA but they probably think I am crazy. So here is our post. Did anyone else see anything??????? I did try and take video but I didn't get but 3 lights on video. You can't see what wesaw but you can hear our audio. P.S. We are going to be looking again tonight at the same time 23:00.

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