Star-Like Yellow Light Faded to BlackMy husband & I were walking our dog after midnight along the creek path,right in the village, when he noticed a big star-sized yellow sparkly light coming towards us from the west. It could have been 50ft. in the air or 10,000... we don't know. It was silent and moved like an insect being blown in the wind, but only slightly. It was a breezy night in Pincher Creek. Its speed was erratic, speeding up, almost stopping, moving slowly, speeding up... we watched it go by us to the north, then turned around to watch it continue to move on a straight path (more or less). The light grew brighter for about 10 seconds, after it passed us, 'til we had to squint, then it quickly faded to a dull red glow before the object faded into the darkness. the whole encounter took place in silence, the village was quiet, it was a clear night... we were the only things making noise. It lasted about 2-3 minutes.