For the past few days two star-like UFO have been observed in the northeastern sky. They appear to be stars at first but noticeable oscillation can be observed. The two lights are oriented diagonally to each other over a great distance and can be seen hovering in an east to west oscillation, though it may be difficult to discern at first. The lights appear to be moving in sync. They also appear to flash colors of red and possibly green. In a previous sighting a few days past, they have also been oriented in the same configuration diagonally. In relation to the observable stars in the sky, they do not appear to move but are instead hovering. Have yet to track the stars until they have disappeared as they I have witnessed them hovering at the same point in the sky for over an hour and a half on one occasion. In a few instances I did observe some very noticeable movement--movement in the outline of a square. Was hesitant to report at first believing the lights to be natural phenomena. Now am highly convinced the objects to be genuine UFOs.