On September 4th 2012, at about 10:20 PM, I was driving southbound on Interstate 45 towards Houston, TX, and had just passed the F.M. 1960 exit in Spring, TX. For those of you possibly familiar with the area, I was ½ mile north of the Paramatta Lane overpass, with a heavily forested area just off to my left, and the Acura dealer just forward of that also on my left.At this time, I noticed two roundish, fairly large "pulsating" reddish-orange lights at about 15 degrees of elevation on the Southwest horizon, moving towards the Northeast. While it is hard to judge the distance from me because I have no idea of their actual size, I would say they where 4-5 miles away from me, perhaps just coming up and over Greens Rd, just west of the Greenspoint Mall. I have over 25 Years in the aviation industry as a professional technician, and have never seen such color lights in the sky. My curiosity up, I pulled over to shoulder of the freeway to get a safer view of these lights. To my naked eye, these lights where flying in a formation flight, at the 8 o'clock and 2 o'clock positions relative to each other. I opened my sunroof and started filming these objects with my cellphone.At that time, I noticed a smaller, also roundish, dull grey-white light just below the two larger reddish-orange lights, but because this light was so faint and intermittent, I lost track of it with my eye (and I thought to my cameras eye as well). I continued to observe this objects until they where directly over my car at a 90 degree elevation to the horizon. The time from when I 1st started filming them until they where directly overhead, was about 1 minute. During this time, these objects never strayed relative to each other and remained the entire time in the 8 o'clock, 2 o'clock formation. If I am correct at their initial distance from me, this would put their speed between 240-300 MPH. They made no sound, although it was so noisy from the freeway traffic, I don't know that I would have heard them anyway. If I had to guess their altitude when they passed over my car (again, without knowing their size makes this more difficult), I would say they where 1000 to 1200 ft overhead.As they passed over the sunroof and where going out of my view, I turned to look out my drivers side window to see if I could continue to watch and film them. Immediately, my eye caught a very faint, grayish-white sphere hovering just above the forest to my left. This object was very faint, not really emitting light, more like reflecting it back to me. It was about 100 yards from me, at about 90-100 ft in altitude, very slowly ascending. This grayish-white object had a definite spherical shape, and I would estimate it's size at about 8-10 ft in diameter. As I whipped my camera around to film it, my naked eye would intermittently lose track of it as it appeared "go dark" on occasion. I observed this object for about 10-15 seconds and it was so faint at times, I wasn't sure if the cellphone caught it, but it turns out it did.When it went "dark" for the last time, I turned my attention back to the front of the car, and now noticed another, single reddish-orange light approaching me from the Southwest and I started to film it as well. After a few seconds of filming, I again noticed either another a second grayish-white sphere or the same previous one, had now appeared a little further south towards the Acura dealer. It was now roughly 1/8 of a mile in front of me and still to my left. It was moving a little faster this time headed towards the Northeast as if to catch up with the 1st two reddish orange objects. I was lucky enough to catch this on film for a few seconds as well. When it was out of my sight, I turned back to look at the 3rd reddish-orange object, it was gone.When I reviewed what I filmed at home, I was astounded to see an object appear to "drop" from one of the 1st two reddish-orange objects that had 1st started filming. Could this "dropped" object be the small grayish white sphere I had a close up encounter with above the forest treeline? Watch the film and you decide. Was a great experience, I just wish I would have had a better camera.