Event One - 3 Oct 12@2045hrs. Low cloud cover. West of Petawawa from my home I observed light movement above the cloud layer that moved around in waves lighting up the clouds in the western sky. This was so bizzar. It covered most of the sky west of petawawa for several minutes. Brought my wife out and she witnessed it too. We had a thick and low cloud cover that evening.Event Two - Approx 5 minutes after event one, the light that was illuminating the clouds was gone. Then suddenly below the cloud layer, in perfect visual range, a dot of light appeared which was extremely bright. This only lasted for several seconds then like a camera flash in all directions it emitted a burst of light which turn the sky to daylight strength for only a split second. Then it was gone. Wife did not witness event two.This is the third observation in Petawawa since 19 July 12. I have never had a questionable event prior to 19 Jul 12.