My fiance and I were driving back from Downtown Dallas area to Denton from visiting sister. It was about 10 pm and we were halfway on the road. This would have been the Carrollton area by now, just driving on the highway 635/30, I was looking out the window and to my right in the sky (clear sky) I see a bunch of glowing orange spherical lights. At glance I figured it was probably some helicopters or other air crafts, but realized I just saw a helicopter 2 min before at same distance and did not look anything like the ones I saw. So I asked my partner, hey....what is that??? He looked while driving on the highway...(Dangerous). So we were looking at for about 20 seconds, before we decided to pull over to the side of the highway. It was strange because we were not the only ones pulled over trying to figure out what this was. About 10 or more cars were parked along side the highway with their phones out, trying to capture this. As I observed the sky, I see that there are about 10 yellow orange "lights" round hovering in the middle of the sky, it was the size of a baseball, the odd thing was it was stationary.... No movement what so ever, it was also huddled in a certain formation. Like 6 were huddled together and the other 4 was trailing behind that huddle. There was no sound and ther lights had to be like at least 30 ft from us, really close. Suddendy, the lights formed a straight-line over the highway... it was strange because it was in the blink of an eye? Like it was not a gradual change, I didnt catch it doing this even though I was literally staring at it without looking away. My fiance ran across the road to try to talk to the bystander watching same thing. He found out the guy was a pilot in training. He had an aviation jacket with the emblem on it as well. The pilot could not figure out what it could have been either. They were both staring at it, when I finally looked up the sky again, and it disappeeared. I asked my partner what happened to them?! He said they literally just blinked out of existence and disappeared. It was not moving away, rather just disappeared while they were hovering in stationary position. Afterwards, we spotted like 3 helicopters circling around the area like they were looking for something. The weird thing was they were also present during the ufo sighting, so it was easily comparable that it was not a helicopter. I decided to report this incident to the police and they confirmed there were not military aircrafts in that area or any sort of reason why any air craft would be out there except for helicopters. They said no one has reported this incident and that they would send someone out the area to observe. I felt shaken and anxious...and honestly believed it was some sort of ufo. Unfortunately we couldnt catch anything on film, we both have crappy phones with like 3.5 pixels and it was so dark the phone couldnt get it. All you hear is us in the background yelling estrange things while trying to pull over to watch this. If someone can debunk this, that would be cool...cuz if not its definitely out of this world. I am a firm believer in aliens either way.