Metallic object viewed on video in sky above White Sands National MonumentOn August 18, 2016, at 20:48, myself, my mom and sister were at White Sands National Monument. The monument was opening late that night for a special full moon event complete with military band at the dunes. Prior to the event we were all sledding on the dunes. I decided to do a selfie video on my IPhone 6S, while sliding down the dunes. After leaving later that night, headed to Silver City, NM, I was viewing the video, and noticed a silvery, metallic, somewhat round object that seemed to flip around in the sky above me. It appeared to dart around somewhat but that could also be from me being in motion sliding down the dunes. We tried to debunk as a sunspot, but near the end of the video I could see a sunspot and it is not the same as what I captured in the video. At first not sure, but when viewed in slow motion it is very visible. I also snapped still shots from the video which show something and it doesn't appear to be a cloud or a sunspot, but something with mass and shape. To my knowledge there was no aerial testing going on at the missile range that day, as the roads were still open and the monument was open, which both are normally closed during testing.((NUFORC Note: We have requested permission to view the photos, but have not seen them, yet. PD))