“black hole” ufo tuesday, 31 july, 2018 i saw something on tuesday, july 31, 2018 @ 7:30 that was so strange i have no idea what it was. and i have been following ufos avidly since 1958. over the years i have seen ufos a scant few times, each experience different. i am an experienced observer and follower. i took several photos and several videos of this “object“ or “ phenomenon.“ i was sitting in my backyard about 7:30 am and noticed a very tiny, dull-black, perfectly round, flat “thing” in the sky overhead. (i prefer to call it a thing than an object.) there were many, low cumulus clouds moving by quickly. as a cloud approached, it looked like it was going to eventually obscure this thing—but never did. the thing always remained “superimposed“ on the sky, and thus on the cloud too. i watched this many times. it always look like a cloud was going to “win,” even though i had figured out it never would. the thing appeared to be not “in” the sky, but “on” the sky. i am a sophisticated observer. by process of elimination, i knew that it was not some “floater” in my eye. it was not a bug. it was nothing physical. also, it did not look like a ufo. it looked like a stationary, flat-black, 2-dimensional dot. after about 15 minutes i saw what looked like a quick lightning-like discharge, similar to corona around the sun. “backlighting.” but only around the edges of the thing. no detail was ever rendered on its face. a little later i saw what looked like a straight laser beam. relative to the size of the thing, this straight-line, lightning-quick beam was about 15-20 times the length of the diameter of the thing. it appeared in full, out of nowhere. it looked totally unnatural, like a cheap computer graphic. i was startled and excited to see it. suddenly this was a very important thing! that’s when i started to take photos and videos. the thing is so tiny that i am unable to examine it closely on my iphone. i am new to florida here and don’t yet have a computer. for documentation purposes i kept taking pictures and videos. i think i did capture a flash in at least one of the videos. i observed this thing for a good hour. i would walk away and come back and it would still be there in the same spot. but at some point it turned out not to be stationary. it started moving, for just a few seconds, and then it would still return to that same spot on the sky. • sometimes it “danced” a little bit. • sometimes it “danced” a lot, in a crazy and highly animated way, erratically, like a tiny bug that looks like it’s going crazy. • sometimes—astonishingly—it darted about in straight lines (i estimate 50 to 150 times its diameter), suddenly and frequently changing directions, without straying too far from its initial position. (nothing in nature moves like this. i’ve never seen anything like it.) • amazingly, it always returned to its called original position“ where i first observed it. (i can’t understand why. why is the original position “home base”?) after a while i had to get on with my day. when i came back hours later, it was gone. i call this thing—informally and unscientifically— “black hole“ ufo. i know it isn’t a black hole though. a more precise definition would be that it looked not like a ufo as much as it did a transcendental visual. it seemed to be “on“ space rather than “in the sky“ or in our dimension. the electrical type of activity made it look like it was either deliberately, or by its nature, discharging— as if it were actually “doing something.“ it was so small and appeared so “far away” but i perceived what appeared to be faint, diffuse rings around it , the way the moon sometimes is surrounded by ethereal rings under rare circumstances. it was just a dull, black, round thing all the time that i observed it. it wasn’t shiny, it was flat black and totally lacking in detail. it always remained round. like the thing itself, even the flashes and the beams looked “artificial” and “out of this world”—albeit very convincing, looking either as if there were an intelligence behind what was happening or else happening via the intrinsic physics of the thing itself, the way certain astronomical objects (quasars, pulsars, black holes, e.G.) have a theoretical kind of intrinsic “behavior.“ i say “thing,” but i don’t mean nuts and bolts and i don’t mean an “object” per se. not material. more of a phenomenon. i do not believe an extreme close-up will yield any detail. i’m at a loss of words to aptly describe it, even though i’m a writer by profession, and not withstanding my profound knowledge of ufos and my lifelong passion for ufology and astronomy. i also had a psychological feeling, while i was looking at the thing: that the thing was looking at me looking at it. this is the only irrational statement i will make in this report, in case it means anything to anybody. that’s why i call it a “feeling.” it felt like a “benign standoff.” i attach no self-importance to this feeling. i in no way seek or need any kind of self-grandeur. my parents always told us kids not to show off, and i have eschewed publicity and the limelight all my life. but i did have the feeling that there was a “personal“ component to this observation that i cannot understand or even invent in fantasy. i’m just honestly reporting as best i can. i also report that i think, but cannot at all be certain, i saw a second thing in another part of the sky. as part of my methodical investigation, i searched the sky elsewhere, and believe i did see briefly another perfectly round object. that may have lasted for only a few seconds, so for all intents and purposes, i will say maybe i did and maybe i didn’t see a second thing. i have the distinct impression that whatever i saw, it was superimposed over our reality. i don’t think it was physical in any sense of the word. i think it floated surrealistically “over“ our reality. superimposed, but not “floating.” for example, a projection can be superimposed, but it does not float. (let me add that i am not suggesting this thing was a projection. i am clueless.) i also felt, besides surmising mentally that it was “not of this world,” that indeed i was convinced it was not of this world. that is to say: i experienced this thing rationally and using all of my powers of objective, unbiased, scientific, empirical observation + plus feeling it through intuition and emotion if that is possible + plus just regurgitating to myself what comes to mind before “i” can form an opinion based on personal history or preconception. i saw something very strange and i don’t know what it is. i felt peaceful. it didn’t disturb me. it had a reassuring effect on me. i am clueless as to what it was. i can’t say it was “spiritual“ and don’t even allude to it, but my gut tells me it wasn’t “material“ — and i think we live in a world where if something is not material, then by default we assume it can only be “spiritual.” maybe i can conclude that i don’t think it was material and its essence is beyond my comprehension. i can’t touch it with my finger or get close to it physically in space. it was just “there,” except there is no “there,” given whatever cognitive understanding i have of this phenomenon. by the way, the thing was in the nne (north northeast) sky. i hope i haven’t confused anybody. i hope i’m not the only person who has ever had this kind of an experience. i hope mufon can tell me something about it more than what i’ve figured it to be. like a real black hole, this thing to me was not black in “color” to me, it was black because nothing could reflect off of it. but unlike black holes, it danced, it darted to and fro, it shot about in straight lines, it emitted flashes of light, it emitted laser-like beams, and no matter what “show” it put on, it always reverted to the same position in the sky. importantly, everything about it looked like computer graphics more than reality. the “laser beam” was like nothing i’ve seen before in that it did not continue on to some infinity point either narrowing or broadening in the process. it just shot out a certain distance and ended. it shot out as a long line and suddenly stopped, even though still illuminated. it didn’t “grow to full length.” and within a couple of seconds or longer it just disappeared, without “retracting.” this is my memory of the experience.
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