While i may deal with paranormal company, (i catch orbs & things on camera) i've only seen 2 questionable 'ufo's' in my life, this one being one of them. i dont know what i saw however, i question it enough to send it in. so, on feb 22 @ approximately 2:33 am, i went to my front door to let the dogs out and while i stood there coaxing one of them to actually go off the porch, something caught my peripheral vision. it seemed much brighter than everything else in the sky that evening so at first, i didnt pay much attention. i observed for a few minutes, enjoying the flickering and that's when i noticed, it freaking moved!! that, got my attention, however, my vision is kinda poor so i dont want to jump to conclusions. my husband suggested the beaches may have caused the flickering but, it was a calm night, no wind but chilly. once i saw the movement, i took out my phone. it definitely got my attention but, again, poor vision, it's late, cold, i wasn't sure if it was a bright star, so, i only taped a little figuring, when i check the next evening, itll just be a really bright star. well, next night? nothing! looked out tonight, nothing. now, i'm super disappointed i didnt take my 35 mm that has a zoom, to get a better, longer video. but, in my defense, its after 2 am, no one thinks their gonna see anything or 'think' about how to document when they're half asleep and rationalizing it's a star? i dont know, it makes me curious enough to take the time to so this but, footage is lousy and may not be worth your time.