5th UFO Sighting around my 50th Birthday.5th UFO Sighting by 50th Birthday Wednesday Morning, August 22nd, 2012, I was lying in bed listening to a Prophecy Radio Show and looking out my bedroom window when I saw something very shiny going across the sky. I got up and took a close look from the window surface to see that it was metallic, shiny, like stainless steel, or polished silver. It was rectangular in shape and was moving in a westward direction over the city of Morristown, Tennessee. The unknown flying object was moving slowly towards the nearby city and I ran down stairs to the backyard deck where there is a more wide open view of the sky. As I was rushing to the deck area, I informed my Mother who was cooking lunch to come outside to see this UFO going across the sky. She followed me outside on the open deck and we both saw the object moving slowly across the light blue sky. It did not have any contrail smoke exhaust whatsoever. It did not have any airplane wings, tail rudder, etc. It did not make any engineer noise whatsoever. I watched it! fly across the city of Morristown, at an altitude that made its size about 2” in length with your outstretched arm. I watched it until it disappeared into the distant blue sky. I have no idea what it was and have reported it as a UFO. To date, this is the 5th UFO I have seen in my lifetime. The others were all different types of “flying objects” such as, the 4th UFO was a similar to the 5th, as rectangular flying object, only its appearance was more like stacked layers of stainless steel that shined intensively in the clear blue sky in July 2012. The 3rd was a circular orb seen at the same location as the 4th UFO, but this object was seen a few years ago and its appearance was similar to a balloon, but somehow seemed more rigid than a balloon, as it was moving horizontally with no wind blowing on that day. I was in Bean Station, TN on the 3rd and 4th Sightings, but both were moving in the same direction of Morristown, TN. The 2nd UFO was seen also in Morristown at my Brothers property, a few years ago, and it had the classical shape of the silvery cigar-shaped, rectangular objects with a strobbing/flashing light at the center. It was moving in southward direction toward White Pine/New Port, TN. This sight! ing was the most bizarre one of all, as I was tilling my brothers garden with a machine and had the sudden, strange desire to look up and when I stopped the machine and looked up, I saw this cigar-shaped craft about 4” in length with the an outstretched arm. It was very silvery metallic and the strobbing lights were intense. I watched it, until it seemed to go into a hole in the sky and disappear from view. I have never had such a strange feeling come over me, as I did that particular day. Finally, the 1st UFO was seen at my Mothers former house in Harrogate, TN and I saw it in the skies above her backyard moving through the clouds. It was brass color in appearance and very shiny, as it went in and out of the clouds. This UFO was the most impressive of all 5 that I have seen in my lifetime. Also, a few days after my 50th Birthday on August 15th, 2012, I saw something strange in the sky, the likes of which I have never seen before, in all my 50 years on this earth. The regular light blue sky and cotton-like clouds were divided in half and covered over by a another darker blue sky layer, like a sheet of plastic that you could see through it and watch the clouds moving across the sky, from behind it. This strange phenomenon appeared to split the sky in half on a diagonal straight edge, with the light blue regular sky & clouds on the left and the aqua Blue sky on the right. I watched the (2) skies for about 2 or 3 minutes and the strange aqua blue half did not move at all, while the clouds kept moving out from behind it. Then I thought about getting someone else to come see it or to get a camera, but as I turned around to put up some garden tools back into the basement, and then turned back around to look at the divided two skies, the aqua Blue portion had almost v! irtually disappeared in less than a few minutes. All that was left to even know it had ever been there at all, was a very faint outline of the diagonal edge where both skies were split up, or divided apart. I watched a few more seconds, maybe a half minute, or so, and it had completely disappeared that quickly! I’ve never seen anything like that before or since! Some friends of mine in Greeneville, TN, told me they saw some strange colors in the sky at about that same time. I am still researching the data to see if other people in east tennessee have seen this remarkable, rare, phenomenon...