
204956 sightings reported...
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Billings, MT

Sighted on Saturday 15. September 2012
Reported on
Shape: Unknown | Duration: Aprox 4 minutes

2 red lights moving NE to SW silentlyMy wife and I were taking out the trash,when my wife rounded the corner of our house she exclaimed"What the %$#@ is that?. I came around the corner and saw 2 reddish orange lights through the trees.The lights were moving NE to SW.They passed almost directly over our house.One was ahead of the other and slightly to one side. They moved as if they were lights attached to something larger:they moved at exactly the same speed and direction.They moved at about the speed of small airplane,but were totally silent.My wife describes the lights as:" Red circles with red triangles in the center" The first light faded after about 2 minutes,the other continued on SW and eventually faded after about2 more minutes. We live near the airport and there were absolutely no aircraft sounds at all during this sighting.((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))

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