coming from the east to west, saw what i thought was plane lights out the window,stepped outside and took another look and it appeared to be circular regular rotating running lights.. regular flashing similar to running lights on a plane. but flashing in what i think was a circle. low enough that i think i could makeout circular shape yet too far to be was close enough to determine some space and an object between the lights so i am quite sure not a jetliner though it did move in the speed you would expect one to go across the sky, only if very far up . possibly the height of a small airplane , or higher. completely silent. backyard is on south/east of the house so as it was passing over my house i ran inside to get camera and wife and went out in the front where we can see south/west sky. had gone past our house to the south, heading west.. disappeared behind trees on western horizon.. my wife who is a skeptic agreed that this was not a plane. THEN we noticed a quite sparkly bright star a little to the right of where the moving object disappeared behind the treeline. still in western sky. just about some tall trees .. so no clear horizon... maybe 30 degrees up. as we watched we could see it was pulsing red and white.. slow gradual color changes not on/off flashes like the closer craft. we observed it for about 4-5 minutes and we both noticed it was did and bob , in jerky movements now and again.. appeared very far away but stayed in the general area.. i went inside to get my camera and tripod.. i started taking long exposures with a tripod.. i captured the jerky movements of the lighted object in pictures! in the long exposure we could see other dots of light around the larger brighter light that were in different locations and numbers in different pictures! i couldnt see these smaller objects with my naked eye. if you watched it you could see the jerky movements but it stayed in the general location... gradually ever so slowly it moved to the right and got smaller.. i presume it was moving away.. then those closer object we saw earlier came back up out of the western horizon and moved to the right in the sky, passing under the stationary object. i THINK the stationary object went dark for about a second or two when the other object showed up again and was near it. i was kind of in shock.. not sure.. then it started cruising slowly East again but this time on the back side of our house... so: up out of the western horizon.. maybe 20 degress... moves to the right in the western sky (going north), then gradually in a slow curve moves east until out of site. seemed about same height... by this time my wife had gone back in the house to get ready for bed as we had watched the stationary object and took pitures for about half an hour. i grabbed her when the first object came back and she saw it again with me... not as close this time but clearly lights flashing in a rotating pattern.. i think red blue and white.. not sure.. pretty sure blue and white.. stationary objct is meanwhile looking farther away and i had to move my camera tripod to see it better which is when i realized it definitely was slowly moving to the right (northish), and down, or away.. i finally just came in to look at my pictures and was very very pleased :) i have a couple of other pictures as well that are also good..ive included the picture ending in 498.jpg that shows the object in the sky and part of our house so you can get a sense of how far away it was.. most pics are at the cameras max zoom (20x). what i was hoping for and did get is the objects movement trail that is recorded as going in different direction streaks that the other objects and stars in the pictures.. proving no camera shake was to blame.. i was using a tripod.. the exposure times are in the exif data.. i experimented.. 10-60 seconds.. one of the pics of the hovering object shows it separated as TWO lights..