...I was smoking a cigarette on my terasse, watching the sky, as I suddenly could not trust my eyes seeing a squadron of UFO's scout ships flying directly towards my house.Squadron of about 6-7 Orange UFO's, close to each other, flying by with a speed of about 300 km/h at an altitiude of about 1-2 km. The altitude is difficult to define, because it was a little cloudy and it was night. I don't know how hight these kind of clouds are, but the ships must have been below.They were flying over Elgg in direction of Winterthur.There was no noise, the ships were close to each other and they were glowing orange (..not blinking - there is also a lot of human air trafic in this region). The last was a little bigger and also glowing brighter than the others. At a distance of about 5km they suddenly disapeared all at once.