
204956 sightings reported...
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Romeo, Michigan (United States)

Sighted on Saturday 14. March 2009
Reported on
Shape: Disc | Duration: Undisclosed

At approximately 19:30 on Saturday, March 14, I observed the following:Observers Location: Latitude 42.80Longitude -83.01Weather ConditionsTemp 33.8 ���FHumidity: 70%Visibility: 12.0 milesWind Dir: SSEWind Speed: 4.6 mph -Conditions: Partly CloudyUFO(s) Shape(s)Craft 1 is circular all surfaces rounded, bottom slightly crowned surface, top cone shaped, no discernible lighting or markingsCraft 2 comprised of three smaller versions of craft 1 togetherUFO(s) Speed Approximate estimate 120 knots (222 km/h)UFO(s) Altitude Approximate estimate 2000ft ��� 4000ft UFO(s) DirectionTrack: from South to North UFO(s) ColorBoth craft light grey metallic dull or matte in surface finish with low light reflectivityLarger disk has distinct darker grey band around circumference UFO(s) SoundSilent ��� no detectable soundUFO(s) Special Characteristic [Unexplainable Halo]Each craft was surrounded by a translucent halo that distorted the light and atmosphere directly enveloping the craft. This band of distortion was ordered and not random. A distinct pattern was present in the halo. The ripples and waves of this translucent halo gave the appearance of emanating from the craft. While sitting outside with my dog casually observing the clear sky and evening sunshine. I first observed the objects in the southern sky at a low declination. As I live near to a small airport with frequent light aircraft departures and approaches, aircraft are a familiar sight. However, within the span of a second, it was clear to me the craft did not fit any definitive criterion of known aeronautical craft. As an engineer with extensive aviation experience and knowledge, I have a larger than normal list of criteria. Without an explanation for the speed, altitude, shape, and ballistics demonstrated by the craft I was observing I became immediately riveted, curious, but calm, and methodically analytical. As the objects approached toward my observation point, more detail became clear. I could at this point clearly make out precise shape, color, and the above stated characteristics. What my eyes saw my brain had no immediate explanation for. First the shape of the object defies the laws of classical physics, and should fall from the sky at any moment. Second there is dead silence, no sound of a propulsion system of any kind. Third I observed that both flying objects where in a controlled wobble, that is to say they appeared to exhibit the same characteristics as light aircraft traveling at the low limits of airspeed. A gentle rocking or tipping left to right was readily apparent. Of particular fascination and interest to me was the transparent halo around each craft. I am taking some liberty with the facts by saying this appeared to be a energy field. The halo or aura if you prefer was distinct and visible as a translucent pattern that distorted the atmosphere and visible light in zone that completely enveloped the both crafts. Honestly, the effects of the halo where quite disturbing on my senses, and seemed almost surreal. I think these feelings are normal for anyone seeing all he has ever learned, experienced and seen about flight and the physics of flight defied. The entire experience is quite unforgettable, but I suspect it is seeing this halo that will stay in my memory forever. I have seen heat waves in the mohave and sonoran deserts reach 200 meters above the surface. Never could I have imagined a force so strong as to distort the atmosphere in such a distinct manner as I observed on March 14. The distortion had a ordered pattern, it was not chaotic and random. I watched the craft travel to the north as long could observe them with the naked eye. Having already calculated the approximate speed I knew any effort to retrieve a camera would have been futile. I witnessed this alone and have no one to corroborate these events. I am a professional engineer with 24 years experience. I am currently in fine health. I simply cannot explain what I saw, and I have no factual evidence of any kind to offer anyone. All can provide you with is my testimony. My rational mind keeps seeking for a scientific explanation. But at this point, what I saw in the sky March 14 simply does not exist within my understanding of science and any aircraft I am aware of. Weather balloons do not travel at 3000 ft, 120 knots against the wind, and have a patterned distortion enveloping them.

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