300ft silver cigar shape, 900 ft up, no wings, windows, engines, sound, Lights, markings, fuselage, tail section, or exhaust!!!On November 10, 2016, on a clear and sunny day while horseback riding with my wife at 4:28pm heading back home did observe a bright shinning silver colored object coming from the north and heading in a southwest direction. We both came to a conclusion at about the same time "UFO" it was about 500 feet in front of us and about 600 to 900 feet up. "No tail section, no sound, no wings or a identifiable fuselage, no lights or markers, no windows, no exhaust or noticeable trail "or signature none" , did experience the air was muffled, our horses did not panic or show any stress. We put the size of the object about 300 feet in length and the width we could not see, just a side view or a west view. The craft did at one point slow down as if to observe us, then picked up is original speed, but we noted that the speed was slow and not like any aircraft you would expect, but compared to a speed of a old Goodyear Blimp at its highest speed?! My wife a nurse of more than 40 years and myself a correctional officer for over seventeen years, worked the last four years as a security guard and a EMR now retired and my wife as well. I was also in the military for twenty five years as well.