On this night was outside clearest night in a long time. get a good amount of light pollution from chicago so unusually visible stars...On my front porch moon was bright venus was very bright to the right of the moon in the west north west sky...I hear my neighbor say this is so weird its so bright she is on the street in front of my house i say that's venus and before i could finish saying venus in see what she is talking about and it ended up being the starlink satellites but at that point i didn't know what they were so i immediately start having a panic attack this last for about 4 to 6 min then all the lights are gone now...Because of lockdown i had a friend bring hand sanitizer to me he arrives and i'm trying to explain the lights i just saw so we are looking in the sky and i see one or two lights that were about the size of the star links and these are also moving but not in the straight line "train" path the ones i was trying to describe to him. i'm still a little frantic from the starlink because i still didn't know they were satellites still at this point so i'm pointing in the sky showing where they appeared and where they disappeared. as i am pointing to where the starlink disappeared in the south eastern part of the sky about 30 degrees up i see a single "orb" at first glance i said what the hell is that... then ask my buddy and his brother what is that do you guys see that.. then my brain trying to figure out what it is and its kinda behind a tree and the first thing i can think of is chinese candle lantern but its way too big and way to high and its orange glowing around the outside of the circular object and gets darker towards the middle almost black in the middle but not quite it was just very dark deep orange. now there is no sound its silent and moving slow across the sky but about the speed a commercial jet goes across the sky which is easy to compare being only 15 miles from chicago midway airport we see jets all day and all night every day....But that's the speed it seems to be moving at as it crosses the sky no elevation change but as it gets mor to the south west part of the sky at 30 degrees still it stops and hovers for about a minute the continued on same path it was on until it disappeared into the horizon. the entire 5 to 7 min we 3 saw it we are all asking each other what the f is it and take turns dismissing everything it isn't "plane helicopter lantern drone balloon comet asteroid meteor and so on now b4 it disapeard over the horizon about the time it was hovering my friend was so scarred from my discription of starlink and the sight of this "orb" he and his brother leave. my friend tells his brother we need to get inside something is going on and we need to get home...Now again i'm by myself and about 2 to 7 min later the second round of starlink return and then i decide yea its time to get in the house before this alien invasion begins... so after a few min in the house my cousin says that she was on the phone with a friend from her congregation art church saw the first round of starlink and googled it and said that it was starlink so then i google starlink and get some relief from my episode of panic about an invasion but i have no explanation for the orange orb we saw in the time between the starlink sightings it was certainly not anything from this world and am reporting it to see if myself and my two friends are the only ones to see this ufo on this night and to see if there have been sightings of similar "crafts" reported from other sightings before or after my sighting. please if you have any info about other reports of the orb i witnessed...Or reports of similar objects at different times this scared 3 grown men to go into the house outta fear!