7 Large bright lights over North Madison in cloudy, overcast 2:00 AM sky 9/23/2012I live surrounded by acres and acres of land trust in North Madison, CT. I have a little ranch house set in the woods but the area around the house is clear of trees. I have a dog who usually has to go out during the night. Sometimes I let him out on the back lead and let him wander or I take him out front on leash for a quick pee. He woke me up at 2:22am September 23, 2012 to go out. I took him out the front.He did his business but seemed like he wanted to do more, so I walked him a bit down the driveway. When I had originally stepped out I looked up at the sky to see what the weather would be like the next morning. It was overcast and cloudy, no black sky and absolutely no stars. As I walked down the driveway I noticed several very bright, big lights in the sky. They were situated over an area which is a state park called Chatfield Hollow in CT. I thought it was weird because if they were stars, first of all they were super big and bright and there was no black sky around them, just a hazy cloudy sky. So my sleepy mind is trying to figure how these stars are shining through the clouds. Then I noticed a clearing in the trees that 3 of them are in a perfect vertical line spaced evenly apart. My first thought it was the 3 Sisters stars but then realized it couldn’t be them because the 3 Sisters are not so perfectly spaced or in such a straight line.I then noticed to the left a second set of 3 lights perfectly spaced in a straight vertical line running horizontal to the first set. They stood motionless but were giving off a very bright glow. Then I noticed a 7th light off to the left, almost like it was the sideways tip of a pyramid (for all 7 in formation) These lights were spaced out very far apart like several football field lengths. This 7th tip light was just as bright but had more of a redish glow. I remember thinking Mars, maybe this was Mars. This is what really scared me….about 7 seconds after I turned my face up to this 7th light and I am trying to figure it out, it got a little brighter for a second, like a quick pulse and then went out But it wasn’t a quick switch off more like a quick pull back. And my first thought was….”.Oh my God, they saw me seeing them….” I quickly went back into the house.Needless to say I did not sleep most of the night. About 10 minutes later I heard an airforce jet fly over coming from the area the lights were and over my house. So I was wondering if someone else saw these and reported to the airforce. I dozed off somewhere around 4:20 and 5:15. My senses were so alert to all noises at this point. Normally it is so quite at night you can hear your own blood in your veins, but what woke me up was a low steady humming sound that lasted for about 10 minutes. But I also noticed the crickets got louder if that makes sense. I was thinking why are they so loud and was afraid to look out the window as I was sure I would see a UFO hovering over my house. This wan't a plan or helicopter as the sound was the same and steady and then gone. So I lay in bed literally frozen in fear and after ten minutes the humming went away and the crickets sounds had diminished greatly. About another 15 minutes passes and I hear the humming again but it is fa! ther away, it didn’t feel like it was right over my house and the crickets got louder. I remember thinking o.k. now they are over my neighbor’shome, who is down the road a bit. It then went away about 10 minutes later and the crickets quieted down. A third time I heard the humming faintly, crickets got louder and then it went away. Crickets got quieter. I definitely could tell the difference in the sounds when the humming stopped. (I do not have a furnace that could possibly have made this noise) At about 5:45 I could finally breath and close my eyes to rest.Here is the really weird thing, my daughter who is 21, her bedroom window faces where the lights were and her bed is up against the window. When she got up I didn’t mention anything to her. I asked her how she slept. She said she got up in the middle of the night and closed the curtains on her window. She said she woke up in the middle of the night with the weird feeling someone was watching her, “like some creepy guy”.There was definitely something to these lights. I figured if they wanted to harm us they could do it anytime and there is nothing I can do about it, you can’t call the police. I know I am not crazy, I don’t drink or take drugs, I am a professional and I have no reason to make this up.((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))