4 bright orange spheres flying over Ocean CityI was camping Ocean City next to the airport on 9/23/2012, sitting next to a fire around midnight. I noticed a light in the sky over my left should. I was sitting, facing north-east, so this was coming from the west. It looked almost like a flare but there was no flicker. It was bright orange. I’m not sure of the distance, but it was underneath the cloud cover of the expected rain. It was moving from the southwest to the northeast, across the bay towards the Ocean. There was no sound. It was traveling slower than an airliner or meteor, but faster than a flare or Chinese lantern. I watched it for about two minutes until it disappeared over the ocean. A couple minutes later, another one came by. Then a couple minutes later, another. As I was trying to film the third one with my phone, I caught a fourth one out of the corner of my eye. My phone unfortunately isn’t quality enough to have captured the objects. All of them looked the same, had no sound and traveled in the same direction. I’m used to the planes taking off and landing at the airport next door, so I’m confident it was not any kind of aircraft I’ve ever seen before.