2 Orange Balls in Orleans Ontario September 7th, 2012Good afternoon, I believe this was September 7th, 2012 at 9:45 pm in Orleans Ontario. I was sitting on the patio of my ex girlfriend having a beer and catching up. All of a sudden a orange ball appeared in the sky and travelled quickly from east to west so from Orleans Ontario to downtown Ottawa. It was a bright orange color something I have never seen in my life. The color wow ORANGE and orange that is easy on the eyes you know, warm. Then all of a sudden boom just started dimming and out of sight. At this point we are all like what was that then boom a second ball shows up, same trajectory but this time it did not fade like the previous one and just kind of disappeared from our view. As soon as we saw the first one we immediately called my step kid to come see as well. At this point my ex was filming it but she kept saying it’s so small on my phone screen we cannot even see it so stopped filming fairly quickly, considering nice short video, I also snapped pictures as well 3 of them. All I can say is I saw what I saw and well never seen this before and my gut tells me that it was not technology that I have ever seen. No noise at all….silent and the light wow amazing! This is the first report I have ever filled cause well it’s the first time I have ever since this live and not on a video were 1/2 of the people say CGI lol. I can share the pics and video if you so wish.