UFO "plays" with thunderstorm over Gulf of MexicoMy husband, his best friend, and I went swimming at Anna Maria Island at night to celebrate my birthday. We arrived at the beach shortly before midnight. The water was strange that night. If you placed your hand under the surface and churned the water it would glow a light green. Treading the water with our feet caused the same effect. I felt like I was witnessing a miracle. Shortly before dawn(about 5am)all of us simulataneously looked to the sky and noticed what looked like a falling star. It descended into the atmosphere and headed straight towards the bulkhead of the thunderstorms hovering over the Gulf that had been threatening to rain us out. The three of us watched quitely as this object pulsed and spun at an amazing rate of speed, flashing colors of red, blue, purple, white. This object then began to "play" with the storm, circling the bulkhead. I told my husband it appeared to be drawing energy from the bulkhead as it would grow brighter when it would approach the storm. Several times it disappered into the storm. After about 20 minutes we noticed a second object hovering near the storm. It never approached the storm, but was the same size, pulsing with the same colors as the first object. We watched these objects for about an hour. When sun's light began to fill the sky all of the stars disappeared, but these two objects remained faintly visible. We continued to watch them until even they were no longer visible. On the ride home we all agreed that it felt as if they knew we were there and had allowed us to witness this event.((FOLLOW-UP COMMUNICATION WITH WITNESS))Dear Mrs. ((name deleted)), Thank you very much for your interesting report! The illumination coming from the water probably was due to a phenomenon called, "phospho-luminescence." It is caused when micro-organisms in the water are disturbed at night...they give off a soft, whitish-blue or greenish light, and it is beautiful. If you ever take a cruise on a large ocean vessel in waters where luminescence is present, for a beautiful view of the phenomenon, I suggest you stand on the fantail and look at the wake behind the ship. It is beautiful!! With regard to the streaking light, it may have been a meteorite, although we will never know for sure. The hovering bright lights may have been celestial bodies...stars or planets. There are some very bright, quite colorful "twinkling" stars in the morning sky during the fall, so that may be the explanation for those objects you saw. Generally, a genuine UFO does not hang around for an hour, or so, although there are exceptions to that statement that we know about. Thank you very much for sharing the information with our Center! Cordially, Peter Davenport((END))((RESPONSE FROM WITNESS))Thank you very much for your response to my report, however I have witnessed at least five meteorites enter our atmosphere, throwing off a bright florescent green tails behind them as they came. One of them was only 500 yards above our heads and fell into a Ryder Truck parking lot, a chain link fence topped with razor wire being the only thing that kept us from retrieving it. The "falling star" I spoke of had no tail At first it was the size of the stars, moving in an arch across the sky, but it soon descended into Earth's atmosphere and headed straight towards the thunderstorm. A planet or "celestial body" does not whirl about in space, pulsing and appearing to grow larger/brighter as it approached the bulkhead. If Mars would be the size of a grain of sand, what we saw was approximately the size of a lintel/pea held at arms length. We distinctly saw the oval shape of the object and that it appeared to spin on an axis and pulsate between and oval shape and a circle, flashing colors of purple, blue, red, and white. I hadn't browsed through sightings listed on your website before I filed my report, and now that I have I realize that what we witnessed doesn't even compare to most sightings, and due to your response to my report I fear you won't post it on your sightings page. Which is why I would like to revise a few sentences in my report if possible, adding that the "falling star" had no tail and I said "star" because when we noticed it, it was the size of the stars, but grew larger as it entered our atmosphere. I would like to thank you for clearing up our questions about the water that night, this phenomenon being the second most beautiful thing I've witnessed during my life. Please respond and let me know if I can revise a few of my statements or re-file the report with the statements I've added here. I would hate to think one of the few people in the world who would believe in what we saw would discredit our report due to my inability to express the moment as clearly as possible.Thank you very much for your time and patience. ((e-mail address deleted))((END))