A line of multiple orange lights flying slowly, possibly following the contours of the mountain and then disappearing into the sky.At 9:43 pm on Saturday, September 13, 2014, my son called me to tell me that he was on his way home from the store and was seeing numerous orange lights in the sky here in Eagle River, Alaska, over a hill that we refer to as Booby Mountain. I don’t know the real name of the hill, but we call it by its shape. We live off of Eagle River Loop Road and the lights were east of the road.We observed at least 10 to 12 bright orange lights, probably more, flying in a single file line. They all seemed to be the same size and traveled at the same speed, which was slower than an airplane. There was no noise that we could distinguish. They climbed, then flew level, then climbed, then leveled out again, then climbed again continuing until they disappeared one at a time into the sky. It almost seemed like they were somewhat following the contours of the mountains that run on the north side of the Eagle River.My son, my husband and myself watched from the driveway of our home for about ten minutes and my son said that there were multiple witnesses pulled over alongside of the road as he was coming home.We have witnessed similar lights here in Eagle River. My husband and I witnessed some several months ago in a different location and two of my sons have seen the same type of lights on a couple of different occasions.((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))