star gazing facing north, had been for hours, still narrowing down exact time but before moonrise. First saw object east about 10 degrees above horizon, brightest object in sky (thought ISS at first) at about 80degrees above realized moving way too fast. While directly over head, in front of us blinking "stars"(oranges, yellows, reds but mostly white) started moving erratic while object over head kept its course. There were other blinking objects toward the west too. About this time main fast moving object (bright blue white, triangle shape)appeared to weave and fluctuate slightly off course and appeared to pick up stars. Best description I can say is it looked like it vacuumed up stars/objects(?) and leave a dark path. The left/right path fluctuations kind of like a fishing lure jigging side to side but almost straight toward north west till disappeared on horizon. easily 20+ objects were gone, took less than 3 minutes to cross entire sky. Still many erratic blinking lights observed for a few minutes after. Myself and another witness experienced real screaming fear ( approx. at zenith, realizing can't be space station, to fast, bright and not moving exactly straight) yelling trying to wake 3rd party. Once calmer, I looked at other witness and face appeared puffy around left eye/cheek, I commented that it looked like he was hit by a bus. The last quarter moon started to rise shortly later. Noticed strange things like my beverage given by 3rd party before he slept was still cold, while other witness was warm and sunrise seemed too fast. After spending all night up I felt oddly fresh. Other witness thinks missing time.