At a couple minutes to midnight on june 6 2017 i stepped out for a smoke before bed,noticed immediately a contrail looking west going straight above and to the east,then noticed it was the same thickness throughout the length,not a contrail i'm thinking,as i'm looking up at it i noticed the center,again would be straight up above me,was swelling compared to the rest,it then opened,almost taking an eye shape,with lashes even forming but on what would be the bottom if it was an eye,so now it's an upside down eye shape with lashes,forming out of what i thought was a contrail,it then started squaring off the top and sides became angled and lastly the bottom curve of "eye with lashes" flattened and the image was unbelievable,a 1950s looking ufo the "lashes" were angled the same direction and were short,then started glowing intensely bright,whereas the rest was a dim white/gray these were arcing like intensely but just as soon as it formed it kind of reversing dissipate back to the contrail. like a cheap hologram attempt but not really cheap i'm guessing lol. idk i thought it was some how natural for the longest time. northern michigan.