Arriving home i caught movement off to my left i looked over and they're hovering across the valley was a round object with multiple flashing lights within its perimeter suddenly it started moving towards me and within four or five seconds it traveled the three miles across the valley right before it arrived on my side of the valley the flashing lights seemed to dim out and there was like three small red lightning bolts within the circle and suddenly it had morphed into a triangle with five red lights and it was hovering about 50 yards in front of me about a hundred feet high in the air almost directly above my neighbor's house at this point i had armed myself with a 357 magnum and prepared for the worst i was not going to be taken against my will without a fight suddenly the craft left back to where it came from and it had turned back into the ball with all the flashing lights inside of it i immediately started calling and texting people hoping somebody would get up and observe this with me it was 2:30 in the morning and i got no response back so i went to town to try find a police officer could not locate one i mentioned to a few people to look in the sky that direction they might see it i live on a hill and i was actually looking down at it from the beginning i decided to go to the sultan police station to see if i can find an officer there as i arrived an officer was coming out and i told him what i observed and where and told him to keep an eye on that direction i went back to gold bar went home and could not see it anymore i thought i would sit in the car and try to absorb all that had just happened when it dawned on me the neighbors christmas lights were still up in the shape of a triangle or the shape of a tree from our prospective with mostly green red blue lights. i believe it was mimicking the lights it was hovering almost directly above them so i put my seat back and was contemplating the events when suddenly i spotted it now to my west at estimate 5000 feet elevation i texted everybody again called some people again to no avail nobody answered i sat in my car and watched it for possibly another hour till i fell asleep i woke up sometime later looking in the sky for it i could not find it i pulled my seat up from the reclining position there it was to my left again where it all began it seemed to be running a grid pattern along the skykomish river valley my friend john would be leaving for work in 5 minutes and he lived right next door i quickly sent him another text and minutes later he drove by without stopping for he had missed the incoming text i watched it for another 30 to 40 minutes and fell asleep again all the time it stayed a round ball with randomly flashing colored lights inside it's perimeter moving slowly just about treetop..Of course i was mocked for telling people what i saw..Three days later on towards eveining i was told a friend of mine that lived about 2 miles away as a crow flies had an actual alien in his yard that same night.. i went over right away and got his story on the alien..His power was still out from snow storm and upon waking at 1:30 a.M. he thought he would go out and shut down his generater for the nite. when he opened the back door about 15' in front of him was a translusent ghost like entity hovering just off the ground..He rubbed his eyes thinking he was seeing things and looked back and it was still there he looked away rubbing his eyes looking back it was still there again not knowing what to do at this point he decided to walk straight towards it when he took the second step the entity started to drift away towards the tree line when it arrived at the tree line there was a bit of a flash and all the snow in the trees came crashing down and there was much noise from breaking branches as it tore through the woods standing there in disbelief at what just happened he decided to go tell his wife and she wanted to go see the woods immediately they went out there and there was no sign of it crossing the yard in the snow but upon arriving at the tree line it was obvious something went through there with all the broken branches and it looked like a big snake had went through the snow standing there discussing what happened there was a sudden flash of a yellowish orange light with no sound or sighting of what made the flash. its now 5 days later and i finally made the decision to report my sighting.