While we were on our way home from the movies, a large lighted object flew over us, stopped and changed direction without a sound.We were travelling on west out of Kalispell to drop nephew off in Kila when we saw what I first thought was a low flying commercial jet liner. It had white lights at various points. When I looked closer, I noticed that it could not be an airplane or a helicopter based on its shape and the locations of the lights. The craft got closer and lower and I pulled into Ashley Square complex to get a better look and let my son and nephew view the object. We got out of the vehicle as the object slowed to a stopped momentarily just above the adjacent building. The object then changed direction and flew north towards the hospital and disappeared. The object did not make any engine noise, however it did make a slight windy noise as it picked up speed and flew away. The object appeared to be a diamond or square shape with two levels of lights.