3 orange "stars", brighter than reg stars in a hazy night sky. non-moving then fading out. triangle formation.Driving south on Muldoon, saw 3 bright orange stars in an elongated triangle (up and down) with the point at the top. The one in the lower right corner was wavering a little and then one by one they faded out like a flame running out of oxygen. The sky was black and hazy and only one star (or planet) could be seen through the haze but these were slightly brighter and easily noticed with all the street lights on. When we came to a stop at the stoplight, there was an electrical wire passing between us and them so it was easy to tell they weren't moving except for the lower right one. As they stayed in one spot in the sky as we were driving, like a star, we could tell that they were some distance away, perhaps in the atmosphere? Apparently, others around town also saw them.