On our way home from my Mother's house, we were traveling west along a road. I noticed a large, orange object very low in the sky less then a mile away from us, at first I thought it was a new tower light, but realized it wasn't and asked my husband to pull over. We watched the object hover for a few seconds and then it started to move towards us. I noticed right off hand that it had no lights blinking on it, like a plane or helicopter would, and that it was throbbing almost in a bright pumpkin colored orange, to a golden red color. It then started to head straight west, and we followed it. Our daughter and I kept our eye on the object, while my husband drove and we went about a half of a mile. It had started to get a bit dimmer and at one point I think I had seen what appeared to be a gold colored, upside down T, and then it disappeared. The night was clear, and stars were very visible. We live in an rural setting, so there is not much light pollution at all. The object did not disappear over the horizon, but mid sky. It was larger then a plane would normally be at the elevation, and made no sound from what we could hear. After talking to some friends about this, they told me that the news had reported 2 low flying black helicopters in the same area a couple of days earlier. One larger helicopter had one small red light, while the smaller helicopter had no lights at all.