I live in Eugene, Oregon at the base of Skinner's Butte. I was taking my laundry from the laundry room to my apartment, so I was heading north. I was looking at the top of the butte because it is a spectacular sight; ancient trees from the Sequoioidae family (same as the redwood). Then, I see something that looks like a giant paper bag on fire ascending above the treeline. I'm not sure if the UFO was landed because the trees are covering my view of the top, but it was definitely ascending. It start heading directly towards me, making me think that someone was playing a really intricate, cruel prank and trying to catch my apartment complex on fire. But then, it never descended, it continued over my apartment complex. It flew almost directly over my head, but not quite, if I'm facing north, it was a bit east of me, but still flying directly south. As it flew directly over me, I realized that the flame was an EXHAUST changing with the wind and that there was also a large rectangular ship trying to blend in with the nights sky. The ship was changing it's colors from dark blues to black. It was trying to imitate a chameleon, but I'm not sure why the ship was fine with such a noticeable exhaust. The ship was also pretty slow moving, I cannot relay the speed exactly, but it seemed to me like it was moving around 5 mph. Another thing I am unsure about is the size of the rectangle/ship and how high above me it was. I know for sure that it was not high in the sky at all, my guess would be from 250-300 ft high in the sky. Also, I believe the rectangular ship to be about 40 ft long and around 15 ft wide. There was also a WOM WOM WOM WOM sound that I heard, however I am unsure of whether or not that was coming from the UFO, so I have been leaving that out when I tell family/friends about it. After it was around 100 ft away from me (heading south),I had two friends inside so I dropped all my clean laundry on the parking lot and sprinted to get them. By the time they got outside it was around 150 ft away, but it was still pretty magnificent because we all were lucky enough to watch it fly away. The UFO headed south across all of Eugene, so I am a bit confused why there was no news articles on it. I always tried to tell myself that the evidence was there for UFO's because of video's, articles, TV shows, accounts from two separate people whom I know very well, and people in the world who dedicated their LIFE to investigating them. However, there was something in my heart that doubted them still and I couldn't shake it for whatever reason. I researched military drones today (the day after) because I know that they are able to camouflage themselves well. I have learned that this was definitely not a drone or anything man has made. I also considered the possibility that the government has many very impressive weapons and ships up their sleeves that they are keeping secret, but I don't understand why a secret ship would be in Eugene, Oregon and why it would be flying so slow. Everyone that reads this, I SAW A UFO!!!!PS I'm sorry I don't have any video to show everyone, I'm just not the type of girl to take my cell phone to the laundry room.