The green orb was froze in the air as a octagon crystal, then next to it a small red light appears on its left, it then seemed to reboot, regained it green glow and tried to elude the laser, he shot it again, and the same thing, when it rebooted the 2nd time it swooped behind a tree and would peek out at us, it then shot from tree to tree like it was trying to escape and avoid the laser, they all flew away to the west and was gone. They reappear days later, this time my friend had no laser light, they payed no attention to us. the next day during daylight my friend found the soil had been moved around where the orb was flying low around trees, like a motorcycles rear wheel does when turned hard under power, it left burms, and inprints that are still there.My friend and I knew excactly what they were, 2 blocks from there is where my friend and I grew up, in 1967 3 white orbs circled my house in daylight, when we approched them one broke formaiton and swooped down on us, we were frozen where we stood,we could only see black and white, there were no sounds. The orb was frozen right in front of my friend, it then streched like a tube towards me stopping one foot from my face, it was boiling light the color of florecent light, I felt like I was off balance and might fall but couldnt fall. I suddenly felt streched around the orb, I noticed black rectangle digits peeling one at a time left to right over my head, I looked stright up, and the digits were me, a piece at a time, slow at first but accelerateing as my head was changed into digits, like a black hole at the event horizon, I accelerated and streched into a white tunnel. suddenly I thought I was halucanating, I was seeing small windows to outside and where i look is where i went, fast and confuseing, like panic. but quickly I slowed where I looked, and relized if I allowed my gaze to scan and not land on the little windows I could control how fast and where I was going, I flew to the neighbors front door, and became aware that I could floot threw the door, and the orb knew thats what i wanted to do, so it became wispy like fog, and I started through the door, someone behind me made a sound like he was tired of the way I was flying, and he instantly returned us to the front of the driveway. I barely lowered my head, and could see through my eyes instead of the top of my head, inside was cave like, behind me a guy stood over a podeim looking hard at a monitor, he was not human, it took him a while to notice I was watching him, when he did notice acted like he really screwed up, he was so shook up he couldnt find the right button to send me back, when he found it you could see the relef on his face, he looked at me smiled slightly and pushed the top right button furthest from the monitor and I was suddenly standing next to my friend, the orb unstretched and was a ball again and joined the other orbs and flashed away togeather. I looked at [name removed/cms/dr], asked him what just happened, all he could do was yell loud and run home.